While a backpack is still one of the best ways to tote homework, an overloaded or improperly worn backpack gets a failing grade, according to the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA).
- Wear both straps. Using only one strap, even with backpacks that have one strap that runs across the body, causes one shoulder to bear the weight of the bag. By wearing both shoulder straps, the weight of the pack is better distributed, and a symmetrical posture is promoted. A backpack that has padded, contoured shoulder straps will also help reduce pressure on the chest and shoulders.
- Make sure the backpack fits. It is important to pay close attention to the way a backpack is positioned on the back, and the size of the backpack should match the size of the child.
- Shoulder straps should fit comfortably on the shoulder and under the arms, so that the arms can move freely. The bottom of the pack should rest in the contour of the lower back. The pack should "sit" evenly in the middle of the back, not "sag down" toward the buttocks.
Wrong (left): Strap on only one shoulder.
Correct (right): Wide, padded straps on both shoulders.

Correct (right): Load no more than 10-15% of body weight.
- A padded back to reduce pressure on the back and prevent the pack's contents from digging into the child's back; A waist belt to help distribute some of the load to the pelvis;
Compression straps on the sides or bottom of the backpack that, when tightened, compress the contents of the backpack and stabilize the articles. - Reflective material so that the child is visible to drivers at night.
Some children may find backpacks with wheels a good option. However wheeled backpacks may present problems, such as getting them up and down stairs or trying to fit them into cramped locker spaces. If a wheeled backpack is chosen, be sure that the extended handle is long enough so that the child is not forced to twist and bend, and that the wheels are sufficiently large so that the backpack doesn't shake or topple. It is also wise to consider the weight of the backpack when empty. For example, a standard canvas backpack will be lighter in weight than one with wheels.
So how do you make sure that your child stays injury-free?
Parents should look for the following signs that the backpack is too heavy
- Pain when wearing the backpack
- Tingling or numbness in the arms
- Red marks on the shoulders
- Above all, urge your children to tell you if they are in pain or have discomfort before a problem becomes serious.
Physical therapists are highly-educated, licensed health care professionals who can help patients reduce pain and improve or restore mobility – in many cases without expensive surgery or the side effects of prescription medications. APTA represents more than 70,000 physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, and students of physical therapy nationwide. Its purpose is to improve the health and quality of life of individuals through the advancement of physical therapist practice. In most states, patients can make an appointment directly with a physical therapist, without a physician referral. Learn more about conditions physical therapists can treat and find a physical therapist in your area at http://www.apta.org/AM/www.moveforwardpt.com.
If you feel you or someone you know would benefit from physical therapy & would like to learn more, please give us a call at 540-316-2680. Or to submit an inquiry via email, click on the button below.
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